Who We Are
In the year 1992 a group of socially aware educated youth came forward to recover the faith of the youth community towards life. With this end in view they organized themselves under the leadership of present Secretary Mr. Biswajit Bose. We started some voluntary actions for the development work in Old Malda Municipality and Block area of Malda district. The beginning was so easy as it seems to be, through there was a common urge for growth among the people of these locality and establishment of this organization which has helped them to realize that they have to work for the development. In the year 10th January 1994 it became registered under West Bengal Society Registration Act. 1961. It was aimed at upgrading the socio-economic and cultural condition of the people by using indigenous resources and to aware about the critical health needs. So that various programme were undertaken and implemented successfully and some are still continuing. In the meantime we are aiming for working by our FCRA Registration.
The efforts of MSS is supported and assisted by various resources sharing agencies including Government Departments both at the state as well as National levels and International etc. The organization has a group of 16 competent full times & 4 Part time workers including professionals, activities and staff out of which 7 are women and the 7 men members. Besides these, there are 40 honorary volunteers.
Today, MSS is in the threshold of future, having arrived at the 28th year in social action. As the whole world has reached at 21st century, the MSS is indeed concerned about the changing world scenario, which has deepened the divisive wedge between haves and have-nots. The organization is committed to bring about a change in the society in favour of the unrecognized soiled faced poor and downtrodden people.
We are really grateful to the State & Central Government, NGO-Network and Colleague organizations other Funding Agencies National levels and international level Action Aid India, OXFAM (India) Trust, UNICEF, CARE-India, CASA-India, PRIA-India- New Delhi, Her Choice Trust, Tdh, CBCI-CARD -New Delhi, ATSEC-WB (UNDP-TAHA), DRCSC Kolkata, IICP- Kolkata, CINI-Kolkata, Sanlaap-Kolkata, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, Ministry of Women & Child Welfare, Ministry of Health, Govt. of W.B. Malda Zilla Parishad, DPEP/SSK-Malda, NABARD etc. West Bengal Education network (WBEN), Right to Food-WB, Network Of Voluntary organization in North Bengal (NOVO) are presently working with us and our organization plays the role of district convenor for the above network. The organization has its headquarters office in S. C. Road, Po- Old Malda, Malda, West Bengal, India. The organization has a group of 16 competent workers including professional, activists and staff out of which 7 are men and the 7 are women members. Besides these, there are 40 honorary volunteers.

Key Area of Concern
Area of Operation
Malda is the northern most and the most backward district of West Bengal having a large scale of illiterate and superstitious tribal, Schedule Tribe & Cast and other backward class’s population. At present area of operation has been extended by MSS with an integrated approach towards women and child development. Organization is now working in – 15 Blocks and 2 Municipalities.

Objectives of MSS
- To social movement in the area child rights, women empowerment, human rights, Food & Work right, consumer protection rights etc.
- To develop human potentiality and critical awareness so that the identified group of people become able to organize themselves.
- To enhance knowledge and skill of the identified group of people so that they can plan and act accordingly towards achieving sustainable development trough participatory process.
- To aware the community and especially the women regarding health, education, environment, disability and also to provide related support services.
- To take necessary measures to generate income through micro-credit and allied programmes by developing Self-Help Groups.
- To make the community informed about their rights and mainstream development programmes of the State as well as Central Government and various linkages establish with line departments.
- To motivate people for judicious utilization of local resources.
- To create socio-economic-cultural-political awareness among the people.
- To emphasis the need for education as the first step to fight against poverty.
- To Care, Development and Protection of Human Rights of severely underprivileged Children.
- Social Mobilisation and Awareness Generation around Entitlements & Development Program
Legal Status
Registration of Societies West Bengal Act. XXVI of 1961 No.S/75579 on10th-01-1994
Registration under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act. 1976. No-147030025
on 1st January 2022. Validity 31st December 2026
Registration of NGO Partnership System, Niti Aayog -WB/2009/0021390, Dt-03/05/2011
Registered under –u/s. 52(2) & (4) W. B. Govt.’s Social Welfare Dep’t. For Persons With Disabilities Act.1995. No. 24-Com
Registered under the income Tax Exemption Act. 1961.
12A-No. AAATM9810CF20215, Date-24-09-2021
80G No.: CIT/JAL/12A & 80G/11-12/73 on 30th November 2011. e-Filing Acknowledgement Number – 294933130140821
Empanelled with West Bengal State AIDS Prevention & Control Society : ACS/2062 (7), Dated- 19/9/2008
PAN Registration No. AAATM9810C (2003-2004).
Professional Tax Registration No. 191001199508, Date-16/04/2015
TAN Registration NO. CALM11602D, January 18, 2011
Present Activities