About MSS
Background Of Our Organization
In the year 1992 a group of socially aware educated youth came forward to recover the faith of the youth community towards life. With this end in view they organized themselves under the leadership of present Secretary Mr. Biswajit Bose. We started some voluntary actions for the development work in Old Malda Municipality and Block area of Malda district. The beginning was so easy as it seems to be, through there was a common urge for growth among the people of these locality and establishment of this organization which has helped them to realize that they have to work for the development. In the year 10th January 1994 it became registered under West Bengal Society Registration Act. 1961. It was aimed at upgrading the socio-economic and cultural condition of the people by using indigenous resources and to aware about the critical health needs. So that various programme were undertaken and implemented successfully and some are still continuing. In the meantime we are aiming for working by our FCRA Registration. The efforts of MSS is supported and assisted by various resources sharing agencies including Government Departments both at the state as well as National levels and International etc. The organization has a group of 15 competent full times & 8 Part time workers including professionals, activities and staff out of which 6 are women and the 3 men members. Besides these, there are 50 honorary volunteers.
Our Mission
To create opportunities for deprived, down trodden people and children with special need through education, health, livelihood and safe migration initiatives.
Our Vision
To develop pollution free environment and healthy community for future generation, where the society will identify human value and leave with peace and harmony.
Our Role
The central role of MSS is “Enabler”. To discharge the duties and responsibilities of the central role it complies with the inherent roles like motivator, facilitator and provider.
Our Philosophy
Every human being is the vase of divine potentiality. The basic thing is to discover the potentiality and latent power through a self-unfolding process so that individuals can be driven by their own conscious and not by the fate.
Issue Based Program
MSS is working on Networking, Advocacy and Lobbying with other like-minded NGOs. The issue areas of involvement are Child Protection, Women Empowerment, Human rights, Food & Work rights, Consumer rights, Farmers’ Rights, Education, Health, Adolescent health, Disaster Risk Reduction & Climate Change Adopted, AIDS, Sanitation, Migration, Trafficking, Local issues etc.
Target Groups
The Malda Sahayogita Samiti (MSS) makes every effort to provide opportunities for socio-economic development of the poor and down trodden people in general with particular emphasis on organizing the poorest of the poorest community both of urban and rural areas, women, children and the marginal farmers through community participation.
- Selection of operational area
- Identification of the target group
- Organizing the target group
- Awareness building
- Capacity building
- Providing critical input
- Close monitoring towards sustainability
- Social action on health, education, culture, environment and disability
- Taking measures for disaster preparedness, poverty, livelihood, empowerment
- Linkage service provider (various stakeholder) and beneficiaries
Our Limitations
- Lack of funds. So that we cannot continue and take new programme.
- We could not make a model village till now.
- We could not bring 100% Children & Pregnant under Immunization and Literacy.
- We could not make a fully sanitized village till now but we are trying.
- Bad roads and others communication system and lack of own vehicle prevent to get good results.
- We cannot complete to programme due to every year flood.
- Legal Aid Social worker.
Future Plan
- Strengthening the women groups’ trough capacity building towards sustainability.
- Strengthening income generation support through skill development, vocational training with special emphasis on marketing linkage to women groups.
- Building up Self-reliance and sense of responsibility among the people.
- Brining 100%children and pregnant mothers under education and immunization program
- Strengthening the Right based approach in the community
- Promotion of Bio Farming to fight environmental pollution and global warming.
Organizational Structure

Executive Committee